Our capital is now

Your Elite Source

of income and profit

Join us today and become one of our
Elite Funded Traders


Why join Elites Funding

Are you a skilled trader looking to take your trading to the next level?

Our platform provides you with the opportunity to trade with a significant amount of capital, allowing you to take advantage of more opportunities and potentially earn greater profits.

All these while offering you some of the greatest features.

Start Challenge

Lowest Spread and Comission

Our partnership with NATlON FX broker allows us to offer you the best possible trading conditions.


Intuitive Dashboard

Our user friendly Dashboard allows you to keep track of your progress and your trades very easily.


Live Chat Support

If you have any issues, just use our live chat to get very fast support.



Our funding process is simple
and transparent.
Join Elites Funding
The ultimate solution for traders seeking capital to unleash their full potential
We understand that access to funding is a crucial factor in realizing trading success, and that’s why we’ve built a platform designed specifically to connect talented traders with the capital they need to thrive.
More questions?
Read our FAQ to find out all you need to know
How to easily access your funding capital
Once you pass our evaluation process, we provide you with a funded trading account, and you keep up to 90% of your profits. There are no hidden fees, and you can withdraw your profits at any time.
Start today

Become an Elite Funded Trader

Choose one of our funding programs and start trading, earn bonuses and profit-splits.

Evaluation Process

Get funded in 2 steps

During the evaluation phase, you’ll be asked to demonstrate your trading skills and prove that you can consistently generate profits.

All the process is automatic, so once you pass the tests you will immediately get your account.

  • 1 – Choose your challenge 

    Select the Standard Evaluation or the Express Challenge according to your trading style and pass the tests to prove that you are a disciplined and profitable trader. Both of our challenges have NO TIME LIMIT.

  • 2 – Obtain the funded account

    Once you pass the chosen challenge, you will receive the funded account straight away and start trading on funded capital. Trade consistently and responsibly and receive up to 90% of your profits.

Why you should choose us

Our goal is to make trading as straightforward as possible. As a result, we give the best trading community to assist our outstanding traders.


Low Risk

Your losses are insured when you work with us. You will not be responsible for any money that will be lost from your Phase 3 Funded account.


Payment methods

We will accept digital currency, mastercard, and visa as payment methods. Choose the one that fits you best.


Good environment for swing traders

Traders are permitted to hold trades towards the end of the day and on weekends.


Scale your account

After 3 months of successful use of your Elites Funding account, you will be invited to scale your account and expand your growth opportunities.

Payout System


Why you should get a
funded account

Imagine having a trading setup that perfectly fits your schedule and needs, completely risk-free, and provides all the capital you need to succeed. Sounds appealing, right?

Make money every month

By trading with a fully funded forex account, you have the opportunity to earn a monthly income based on your market performance

No risk

As a fully funded trader, you don't have to worry about the risks associated with investing your own money. This relieves the pressure of potentially losing your own funds.

Capital to trade

Unlike trading with your own capital, you don't need to stress about wins or losses, but rather focus on performing well in the market.


With just a fraction of the cost, you have the chance to get a much bigger account and have the chance to prove yourself in our community.



Choose the best challenge type for you.

We want to provide our traders with the best trading conditions and the most comfortable environement to trade in. That’s why we are offering you two types of challenges. Choose the one that suits you best.

Standard Evaluation

The standard evaluation is a classic 2 step trading challenge. You have to pass 2 different phases before obtaining the funded account while you are allowed to lose up to 5% of your account per day and 10% of your initial balance. Both of the evaluation phases have no time limit.

Account Size $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $200,000
Phase 1 - 9% Profit Target ( NO TIME LIMIT )
Phase 2 - 5% Profit Target ( NO TIME LIMIT )
Maximum Overall Loss
$2,500 (10%)
$5,000 (10%)
$10,000 (10%)
$20,000 (10%)
Maximum Daily Loss
$1,250 (5%)
$2,500 (5%)
$5,000 (5%)
$10,000 (5%)
Minimum Trading Days
Trading Leverage
Refundable Fee
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Express Challenge

In the Express Challenge program you only need to pass a single step challenge before obtaining the funded account. This phase has no time limit, but you are only allowed to lose 3% of your account balance per day and a maximum of 6% of your initial balance.

Account Size $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $200,000
10% Profit Target ( NO TIME LIMIT )
Maximum Overall Loss
$1,500 (6%)
$3,000 (6%)
$6,000 (6%)
$12,000 (6%)
Maximum Daily Loss
$750 (3%)
$1,500 (3%)
$3,000 (3%)
$6,000 (3%)
Minimum Trading Days
Trading Leverage
Refundable Fee
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